The Video News Factory and Miss England renew partnership
The Video News Factory renew their partnership in a 12-month contract with Miss England.
The Video News Factory has been awarded a 12-month contract with Miss England set to start in February 2020, as a result of the success of the live streaming of the 2019 Grand Finals.
The TV Presenter round of the Miss England contest will also be led by TVNF for the 2nd consecutive year, following a successful 5-day campaign in 2019 which pulled in over 350,000 views.
The Video News Factory is set to support Miss England in all of their production needs, including live streaming and introduce pay-per-view during the TV presenter round.
John Allard, Managing Director of The Video News Factory commented: "TVNF is proud to be able to help Miss England Beauty Pageants adopt cutting edge technology for Pay-Per-view and live voting to build a large scale interactive viewing experience to an Global audience."
Stay connected on the progress of this partnership through this blog and social media.